Holistic Equine Relationship Development (HERD)
HERD was recently featured in "Driving Digest." Click here to download the article and learn more!
My hope for you is that you are seeking a deep relationship with yourself and your equine. That you are ready to listen to your equine partner or partners as well as be heard in a different way based on understanding. Bravely, you are considering equine support coaching, focused on building a collaborative, flexible, and connection-focused relationship.
Introducing Holistic Equine Relationship Development (HERD). Our time together is spent connecting with humans and equines to determine where your strengths lie, where they need the most support, as well as what their goals may be. Human-equine relationship is the priority, with any competition or recreation goals as a happy aside.
Over the past decades as a competitive carriage driving trainer and recreational rider, I have experienced many equine-human relationships that were dysfunctional, one-sided, fraught with misunderstanding, and on the edge of “divorce,” if not serious injury! Now, combining my equestrian knowledge with my relationship therapy skills, I want to help change the way we approach our equine partnerships.
Visit our services page to find out how HERD can fit into your life! ​​​
While informed with Leslie's therapeutic lens, HERD sessions are NOT therapy. If at any point sessions illuminate the possible need for therapy, Leslie and clients will consult regarding appropriate ways forward including referrals or changing to EAP sessions.
Who benefits from HERD?
Is HERD right for you and your horse?
HERD support is available for people who have their own horses, have access to a horse through a local barn or facility, or want to participate in coaching workshops through HERD contracted facilities. HERD includes a number of types of service options, all of which focus on establishing a coaching relationship between human and HERD coach working toward goals for human and equine.
“Leslie is an intuitive generous spirit who will most definitely improve your horse life and your life life. Be prepared to notice things you've never noticed before. She is a gifted horse person who has helped me gain a deeper understanding of who I want to be with my pony. As an added bonus, she is just fun to be around.”
C. Jo Temple (client)